2017 ExploreOregonGolf Passport on Sale

The ExploreOregonGolf Passport provides the best value for golfers across Oregon and Southwest Washington. The small, passport-sized book has special offers from 73 golf courses – each providing an 18-hole round (with cart included) for a total fee of $30 or less.

Instead of paying up to $100 for 18-holes and a cart, ExploreOregonGolf Passport holders can play that same course for just $30. It takes the average Passport holder just five-to-six rounds to make up the cost of the Passport (in savings).

Ten new golf courses were added to the 2017 ExploreOregonGolf Passport, which takes the total of participating courses to 73.

The Passport’s Impact on Golf in the Region:  Proceeds from ExploreOregonGolf Passports help to fund “Grow the Game” initiatives throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington. Funds are distributed to the Golf Alliance of Oregon, which brings together agronomists, owners, golf professionals and other industry experts to advocate for golf’s sustainable and long-term health and well-being. Alliance partners:

OGA Member Dues at Work:  All Passport holders are Oregon Golf Association members. Annual member dues support a variety of worthwhile golf initiatives, such as:

Passport holders save, support the game and get to play more while exploring and visiting new courses in Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Click on the links below to learn more about the Passport.